The 4th Graders Present an Unnamed Love-Suicide
By Sean Graney
Directed by Marie Farsi
Produced by Rumble Theatre
Featuring Aaron Holt, Emilie Leclerc, Julie Leung, Samantha Rose Richard, Sarah Roa, Naomi Vogt and Conor Wylie
When ten-year-old Johnny shoots himself, he leaves behind a play as a suicide note. What follows is a darkly hilarious story of love, betrayal, and revenge worthy of the Greeks – performed by Johnny’s fourth grade classmates.
Sean Graney is a multiple award-winning playwright and director from Chicago.
Creative Team
Production Designer: Jessica Oostergo
Lighting Designer: Brett Willis
Sound Designer: Julie Casselman
Stage Manager: Kate Prefontaine
Assistant Stage Manager: Monica Emme
Set and Props Builder: Triane Tambay
Apprentice Technical Director: Corwin Ferguson